Opinions what are the best floor standing speakers in these ranges $$??

100$ to 200$
200$ to 300$
300$ to 400$
400$ to 500$

Let me know your opinions? I understand we all have different tastes my personal preference is anything that makes my vinyl sound warmer and has adequate bass. I’m running an all tune setup. Tube preamp is a project tube box s2 into a yaqin mc13s with a dennon dp 300f TT. Just looking for that warm fuzzy crisp sound. Let me know what you think. All your thoughts and opinions are appreciated! Maybe we can all come to a general consensus on price vs quality I do know that just because something is priced high doesn't always necessarily mean it's better. I am willing to bet there are lower priced speakers that can compete with higher priced ones. I am also willing to buy used if the equipment is in good condition. I psb has caught my attention but I'm pretty new and could use some feedback.
DCM Time Windows 1A! Forty years later still World-beaters! A very successful design from Steve Eberbach - over 26,000 pairs sold! If you like the Vandersteen 2's you will love the TW's! Comparable phase-coherent imaging - but superior dynamic range! I am now onto my THIRD pair! Cost - $219 + shipping from an eBay seller (mint condition). New they sold for $1200/pr.
At your price range you might want to entertain monitors as well as floor standers. Some very good monitors would be Silverline Minuet Supreme or Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 or 11.1. If you’re stuck on floor standers and can stretch a little the Silverline Prelude or Wharfedale 10.3 or 11.3 are solid options. Within your price range and considering what you’re looking for along with the somewhat limited power of your tube amp I’d go with the Minuet Supremes that I think would really sing in your setup. Best of luck.
I don’t post in $100 increments....

time Windows are certainly fun, bit of sizzle to go with steak :-) DCM = Drug Capital Midwest and yes we sold them, and Vandersteen, and many many more....
Anything DALI. They have a lot of good speakers but yes, you should look at monitors as well. And start saving your money because you will want to upgrade soon as nothing in this price range will be satisfying for long. And the Silverline speakers soix talks about are very good but all are above $500 and the Minuet Supremes and Supreme Plus are all discontinued now..
IMHO there are zero floorstanding speakers in that price range worth listening to.