Noise reduction -why the rage now ?

Is it better science ? Or more needed today with the ’surge’ of switching power supplies, smart phones and Wi-Fi routers ? Then, higher-frequencies in digital interfaces -now megahertz and gigahertz.

The problem with the "needed more today" theory is that one, listeners are hearing things they never heard before. One report is from Paul of PS Audio (on his blog) stating that a 4K power cord transformed his system. Yet he sells a Power Plant.

Two, many reports of lower noise (in the last 10 years) were in systems with linear power supplies, not switch-mode.

Three, for digital, many people were using AES/EBU or i-squared interfaces. These don’t have the noise concerns of USB.

Fourth, many people listen at night. They know better, due to the problems of a noisy day-grid.

Yet, there it is -large gains from the latest power conditioners, ground blocks and after-market power cords. To me, today’s science is much better at doing this. Along with the "need today".
It is important for me to know the noise at both ends of the PS. 

That is, great that noise inside an amp is -130dB, but if it's emitting noise back to the AC, or noise that can be radiated from power cord to interconnects that's not ideal.  I worry about this most with things like network devices and streamers. 


As long as your cell phone is still working you’ve got an RFI problem. If you could see RF your whole room would be lit up like a Christmas tree. 
Perspective: is it really a "rage"? "Now"?

This was something I've been working on since the early 90's, having been a subject among serious audiophiles since long before that. It was around that time when I first went out and flipped all my breakers off to see if it really would make any difference. The improvement was huge, and being so easy for anyone to do its been my standard recommendation ever since. 

There are many different kinds of noise. Its not all noise like the hiss you can hear at idle even when nothing is playing. That seems to be the noise the average guy complains about and does everything they can to get down to absolute zero. When in fact the worst kind of noise is the sort that gets interwoven right into the signal. It can be called smearing, it can be called grain, but whatever its called it does not belong and therefore its noise.
When in fact the worst kind of noise is the sort that gets interwoven right into the signal.

>>>>>Gee, you don’t say? Why, it almost sounds like you think the signal is the audio waveform. What is this signal you speak of? 
Here is something very interesting. We DON'T KNOW if noise is worse in recent decades, at least with RF.

I can’t seem to add the URL, so type:
"electronic noise is drowning out the internet of things"