Can I cheat and not get caught?

I bought a nice Accuphase P-450 power amp recently and was surprised to find the speaker connectors accept only bare wire or VERY large spades. Since my speakers are Vandersteen 3As, I had HCM Audio make a set of double bi-wired cables to the tune of over $300 (I know, that's cheap in the big scheme of things) and was shocked when the 5/16
spades would not fit over the posts. I was finally able to force the spade(s) barely onto the post and tighten the connector enough to secure it, but I'm wondering if it would be better to insert one prong of each spade into the hole for bare speaker wire, then tighten the connector. Or should I try to widen the gap in each spade slightly/carefully to get a better conventional connection? 
Just don't walk around with
a  S. eating smile on your face.  Also don't tell  Eddie

Make an adaptor.  Once you modify a component people may not to buy it when you are ready to sell it.  Buy spades that will fit it, get some wire and connections to fit your current wire.  Use that as an adaptor if you get what I mean.

“Why does Accuphase conceal the highly relevant fact that their gold-plated connectors are still idiosyncratically designed for bare wire entering the third decade of the 21st Century CE?”

My guess would be they spent a small fortune doing randomized controlled prospective blinded listening tests along with a meta-analysis of other published studies and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter if you used spades, banana plugs, or shoved the naked wire through and tightened it by hand. 
Hey, at least they threw you a bone and gold plated it.
Hi discnik,

That amp is a keeper. I had the Accuphase E450 integrated amp years ago and you can’t get rid of that, that thing sounded fantastic. The problem is the speaker connection on the Vandersteen’s. They use what’s called a barrier strip. Richard Vandersteen is convinced they sound better. In my opinion HCM dropped the ball, they should have asked you what amp you have and which speakers you have and they should have called you to say here’s what you need, got your approval and asked you can we proceed. That’s what a reputable dealer would have done. If those barrier strips sound better then many more speaker manufacturer’s would use them. If you like the Vandersteen speakers and you are owing to keep them, then I would ask your dealer much it would cost to install some good Cardas or WBT 5 way finding posts on the speakers. I know it sounds crazy but it’s worth looking into. The only other thing you could do is bring the speaker wires back to HCM and have them re-terminate them properly (like they should have done in the first place). Good luck.
