How much does a Zobel network and its components affect the sound of speakers?

Regardless of amplification, my Merlin Audio MMI monitors have always sounded bettter using the Merlin RC Master (Zobel) Networks consisting of a Dueland capacitor and a Caddock resistor in series bringing the tweeter terminals. I've heard that some have replaced the networks using Jupiter capacitors and Vishay resistors and different wires and spades. My question is, How much do the networks and their components and associated values affect the sound? At times my speakers, while having superb resolving ability, can occasionally sound edgy, particularly noticable with voices at higher volumes.
Said someonenew who never recorded anything in his life and likely has fan-boy comprehension electronics - cables - speakers - room.

English is also a problem. There are no metaphors in the quoted text.

What makes a Zobel in an amplifier which may be connected to a nearly limitless combination of cables and speakers more valid than a Zobel across a speaker to tame its specific impedance curve?

Said someonenew who never recorded anything in his life and likely has fan-boy comprehension electronics - cables - speakers - room.

English is also a problem. There are no metaphors in the quoted text.
--------------------end quote------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ah................. obviously YOU must be a gifted audiophile savant.
My gracious genuflection to your advanced understanding!
ALL cynicism genuinely intended.

My system:
Moscode Minuet in A (G. Kaye updated 2019)
AudioNote cd2
Magnepan T-1D (recoiled) mid-range -> Moscode 402AU (amp #1)
Magnepan T-1B bass panels (recoiled) bass -> Moscode 402AU (amp #2)
Sequerra T-2 ribbon tweeters (only pair made) treble -> Levinson ML-9 (amp #3)
Vendetta Research (J. Curl) X-O

Transcendent T-8 6c19p-ev OTL headphone amp
Light Speed passive pre-amp.
electro-hydraulic servo system engineer - designer 36 yrs. 
FAA lic. AP-IA 42 yrs.
Thats all to say.