Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.

I’m looking for the best bang for the buck. What equipment can I find that would make the best system for my budget ($8000)? I'm starting out with:

Pass Labs X1 Preamp, my rock to start with. I got it for $2500 This is where you can help me the most. Let me know your best match for this pre-amp, or the ones you have found to be the best you have heard!

Bryston 4B SST amp for about $1700. It’s been my experience that more power wakes up a speaker and pins it’s ears back. At 300wpc and the reviews on this amp I picked it, but just to start. I really need some experienced people to give me recommendations for the amp, or if the Bryston is a winner. I can sell this for a better amp.

Do I need a DAC?

Phono. I’ve realized that might be a big reason why people go to separates isn’t it? I’d like to hear some comments on this. If you have separates and no phono, what do you use? Stream music? CD’s?

CD player? I do have a lot of CD’s. With separates, it’s either phono, cd, or streaming correct?

I’m not really a phono guy, but I know which albums I would buy so it is an option. I wouldn’t know a good phono if you hit me with it. Please recommend a few.

I’m leaning toward B&W speakers just because of their reputation. I may spend up to 5k on a good pair of speakers, but I want them to be used and costing much more when bought new. I know how to spot a good deal and not buy speakers on their death bed (from reputable sellers), but I need your recommendations too. You all have heard more speakers than I ever have and will.

**I’m going to check this post often and answer any questions and write down your recommendations.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2ximabucfan
How big is your room that you want to use?

That could direct you with size etc....

8k is either alot of $$$ or not ...depending on your tastes...

I am a Ohm Walsh 5 owner... I am friends with John and Evan at Ohm... I live and work near by the factory..

At last NYC audio show... they shown off a pair of Walsh Super 2's ( Walsh 2 that are upgraded to current Walsh 2000 technology) running with a done over Carver C-1 preamp. ( it also has MM and MC phono preamp built in) if you want to go that way....   and a Serviced Carver m1.0T Opt II mark II  upgraded by Greg Garska at Nelion Audio , Bob Carver recommends him ( letter on site ). 

see link

The equipment that Ohm used at the show was my backup system .... plus for streamer we used a Bluesound Node2. and with thumb drive full of music....

Walsh 2000.  i think are 2800 pairCarver m1.ot with upgrades and service I think greg sells for 850 when he has them ( 500 wpc) .
Carver c-1 ....  seen them unupgraded for 200$ ebay.  greg does the Billd upgrade and service for I think 350...
Node2 not sold anymore now a Node2i ( slight change in its wifi).  is alike 500$ ....

My home system
as I have a large room like 13,000 cubic feet...
Walsh 5 upgraded to Super Walsh 5 LE ( original price like 6k).Amp...   Carver SevenT ( solid state mono blocks)... at i think 565 wpc... ( I really should use two m1.0t !! ( I have three... ) but I like look of the SevenT...
and a Carver c-1 w billD mod...node 2 streamer (amazon HD service...  ) currently using node 2 DAC.
(thinking of a Aries II DAC...or a Musical Paradise tube dac....  )
denon df-33f w/ denon 103D cart (MC)   I am not an audiophile... i just like gear !

Good HuntingBill

Separates are way more fun , at least in my experience. 
How about my  Pass XA30.5  to go with your Pass preamp?   I've been toying with the idea of selling it for more than a year now.   It doesn't have 200 hrs on it for its time in my possession and I bought it from the original owner about 5 or 6 yrs ago  and was not shipped as I was able to pick it up.   Not saying I will sell  for sure.. depends on number of factors not the least of which is its a fantastic amp but Im just not using it much.   Send me a message if interested ..   8>)
Get over your fascination with B& it has been mentioned, far overrated. 
Although I have made a few recommendations, I have to agree with MrDB about living and learning about your present situation at your system--learning what it is in the music that really gets you going, and just hearing other's systems also.

Bob, Mr.db and all, I received the Pass X1 and Bryston amp and will be setting it up with my inexpensive Marantz cd player to give it a listen! These beginning amps were selected from earlier recommendations and my research and reviews from others. I have worn out my Yamaha 5250 100wpc and yearn for live concert sound on a budget, but how much better will it be? Are my Klipsch better than I thought? Do I have to go tube amp or class A for cleaner sound? I bought the Bryston purely on reviews and 300wpc. I will post my experience later, will it be the happy face or the chocolate yogurt emoji???
Tubes might be too expensive to maintain??? Class A how many wpc do I need to get loud? Is 30 enough in the Pass Labs XA30.5? You all know what I'm going through. Don't say I need to hear them all, I know somebody already has. Can someone weigh in that knows? The Pass/Bryston will be good. Can I do better?