Amplifier for Harbeth 40.2


I have Harebeth 40.2 speakers and looking for thoughts on amplification for them.

Currently I use the pass labs int-250 and like it but feel could be improved upon.

One recommendation was given by dealer was to go to separates and pass labs 350.8.  That would improve bass further but not sure would improve midrange where previous VAC integrated had advtg over Pass.

Another recommendation was Luxman 900u amp.  This probably gives me midrange improvement but seems less powered than pass pas int 250 and def far less than 350.8.


I've heard them with Rossi amps and they sounded great.  I enjoy them a lot.  I still like Vandy's better, but would easily live with Harbeth's and a glass of wine and be very happy. 
The Vinnie Rossi seems to come up again and again pretty sure they are 75-100 watts I'm running an LFD NCSE on my 40.2's which is 75 a channel and it's an excellent pairing as well.

More power can't hurt but you might want to try a few amps out and see what works for you - from what I understand it's not just about power or type of amplification with Harbeth so there may be some trial and error involved to determine what works best for you.

Sounds like you're willing to shell out a few bucks here might be worth finding a dealer who has a variety of options that you can try out - you'll know it when you hear it for sure...
I really think you should listen, and for my ears the Luxman integrateds are better than the Pass, which always seem lean to my  ears.

However!! Your own preference is what matters. :)
I heard them at Suncoast Audio with the top of the like MSB Select electronics/DAC and it was beautiful.  I was amazed at what they could do.  The love a lot of power as long as your amp is a good match for them.  I've found Harbeth's to be very forgiving, but will open up and sing with only a few top amps, both tube and SS.  Heard them at Walters in NH too with a couple of amps (Pass was one, but I forget which models and I forget which was the other company, sorry) and it sounded excellent, but not like it did with the north of 100k worth of MSB gear. 

40.2s need POWER! I use them with with Simaudio 400M at my large place but the new Hegel H590 and Gryphon Diablo 300 will be very good choice. I would stay away from Pass Labs for Harbeths - both companies have rather warm sound signature that can just be too much. 

The amplification for 40.2s does not need to cost a fortune to perform very well.