Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
It’s as fake as the fake impeachment BS.... "How dare you!" Said that brain washed environmental nazi teenager chic....and Perona Pelosi makes me sick. Snow in new england tomorrow, yay....not!
Rachel Carson was 100% correct and we owe her a debt of gratitude for Silent Spring...from the New Yorker: “Silent Spring,” a landlubber, is no slouch of a book: it launched the environmental movement; provoked the passage of the Clean Air Act (1963), the Wilderness Act (1964), the National Environmental Policy Act (1969), the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act (both 1972); and led to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency, in 1970." Also, if you don't think overpopulation is an issue you might need to get out more.
  • "Also, if you don't think overpopulation is an issue you might need to get out more."
Wolfie ... That's exactly how I feel when I'm traveling from my house to LAX and fighting the bumper to bumper traffic down the 405 freeway. It is a 50-mile trip that takes at least three hours. As I sit in the traffic, I wonder ... from where in hell do all of these people come from? And where are they all going? When I drive from my house to Las Vegas, not so much.

The point is, everyone wants to live on that narrow strip known as the California Coast Line that extends from San Diego to San Francisco. Driving North through the Mojave Desert, there is wide open spaces between Bakersfield to Utah. And beyond that is Middle America's wide-open spaces. 

Still plenty of room for expansion. 

By the way, as a person who grew up in the Los Angeles area in the 1950s, I can tell you that in comparison to then, the air here is as pure as snow. 


The reason that air is now as " pure as snow" is someone began a sentence with ....The government should... so we got the clean air act and you can thank unfettered  capitalism for that 1950's miasma of breathable particulates. America's wide open spaces are filled with opioid addicts now with no jobs or hope yeah what we need is more people. People go where they can find work and it isn't in the Mojave desert or a wheat field in Nebraska. 
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