Original ProAc Response 2 vs. Gibbon Super 8

I have a pair of the original ProAc Response 2 with stands and am thinking of replacing them with the Super 8. Could anyone who has experienced both speakers tell me if this would be an upward move. The following components will be connected:

Quicksilver KT88 monos (60watts)
Reference Line Preeminence - Dual mono passive
CEC TL2 transport / DIY DAC
Merrill/Scillia MS2 TT
Michael Yee phono
the ProAc's are classic speakers ... have not heard both but the ProAcs are still very good even by todays standards
the response 2's are indeed 'classics'. the gibbon is a great speaker, but imo this is a change for the sake of change.
Before you replace the Response 2s, check to see if the woofer/midrange is tightly attached to the cabinet. Both my Response 2 and Response 3 suffered from a gradual loosening of the bolts, and re-tightening them made a world of difference.