Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil

Anyone compared the bass response of these two caps?  I bought the Supremes for trial purposes and really loved what they did to my system's imaging (front to back layering) and immediately bought the Silver Gold Oil Supremes.  Unfortunately while they were smoother, more beautiful, and even better at imaging, they had no bass (actually, they lost bass as they broke in).  Anyone know how the Silver Oil's fit into the line?  

I'm using them in a Don Sach's DS2 Preamp (  

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I have upgraded several MHDT Orchid dacs with the Vcap Odam caps in combo with the Vcap Cutf bypass and the results are stellar! 

The bass energy is the best I have heard from any cap...period.  Wonderful.  In addition, the mids and highs sound is so vivid and full. They are fast becoming my new favorite cap combo. I love how these caps deliver vivid detail and realism with a warm and rich beauty that is so pleasing and alluring.

I ordered some Duelund silver bypass caps to play with the ODAM’s and see how they match up together. I’m really liking the ODAM/CuTF pairing but I’m new to this cap rolling thing so I’m experimenting. The Mundorf m cap silver caps were good but the Vcap ODAM’s are just so clear and musically satisfying I had no idea a cap could make this much of a difference.
Read this very interesting and relevant  thread; great info indeed! And it’s making me wonder....

I currently have the Audyn True Copper Max caps Installed in my Backert Rhumba preamp, and a pair of Jupiter Copper Foils in my Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC... Would the ODAMs with bypass caps be only a side move, or would there be a significant improvement on either component? No issues with my system as it stands, I love it, but admit I have a problem, I am an Audiophile, and can’t leave system alone.