Any success with an indoor FM antenna?

I am currently in a situation where an outdoor FM antenna is not possible.  Do you have any experience with what is a good indoor FM antenna?  Thanks
For years I used half of an old rather large roof antenna, (originally mounted at top of masonry chimney for television)  placed in the attic of my home. I tended to have reception problems with three of the eight preset FM stations I listen to. The reception problems varied from day to day, sometimes hardly noticeable other times unlistenable.

A few months ago while looking at Amazon I decided to try an Omnidirectional FM Antenna made by Stellar Labs. Its basically two elements in an 18" diameter circle, simple and inexpensive. You have to assemble the half's together, that was a pain in the A**, then just hung it high in the attic. I was surprised to find quite the improvement from this small (just a fraction of the old ones size) antenna.I am glad I decided to try it, figured if it didn't work out I would just return it. 

Good luck,
rcprince, There is an FCC law, you have a legal right to have an exterior antenna.
... There is an FCC law, you have a legal right to have an exterior antenna
Not so.
First, the FCC has no authority to make law. It makes regulations.
In many states, HOAs can have broad authority, and it absolutely can extend to forbidding antennas.
Exactly right, cleeds.  In my case, it's an HOA regulation. As it worked out, I'm happy to have found internet radio, there are so many stations to choose from and the quality is much better than I expected.