Smoke on my power amp

I was listening the music with the right speaker wire detached to listen to the left speaker alone. The speaker wire was still attached at the amp side. My preamp does not have the balance knob.
After 20 secs or so, there was a smoke on my power amp.
I quickly turn off the amp.
Once smoke comes, would it be safe to turn it on again? I wonder whether it is permanently damaged.
Is it not safe to listen to the music with the speaker wire detached from one speaker but still attached on the amp side?
My amp is Plinius SA 102.
Any comment?

Have you opened up and look inside to see any visible damage, swollen electrolytic cap, internal blown fuse, maybe something obvious that may be able to be fixed local. Not a fan of shipping a heavy amp if avoidable. Long ago I had a speaker wire come loose on rev-a McCormack and saw smoke blew a internal fuse and had it fixed local from what I was told it caused damage on the rail.
the first question is "why?".  I have a guess: yo disconnected the speaker wires and they touched, shorting out the amp's "unconnected" channel.  Guess.
IS there permanent damage?  Maybe. Some, yes. Significant? we don;t know without looking. Could be nothing more than heat from an emitter resistor that began cooking. Its not good for it, but it might more or less survive. BTDT in the lab.
But the bottom line is you did something more than you think you did; and the fact that you have to ask, says "take it to someone who can check it out thoroughly".
+1 itsjustme. Most solid state amps shouldn't have an issue with no load. 
Dont EVEN turn it on again. It's repair shop time. 

I think what itsjustme said wasexactly what had happened. Feel so dumb.
 I am in Michigan, two hour north of Detroit. About a year ago I had it serviced in Chicago, drove five hours.
I may try there again, or I might it send to Galbo Design. 
It would be $300 both way of shipping and maybe at least $500 for service? I wonder whether it is worth while to fix it. Used price of this amp is around $1500.
Thanks for all your replies.