Do they really make a difference? Definitive answer is....

I have certain and unequivocal evidence that high quality cables and interconnects absolutely Do make a vast improvement... I heard it.  This is my second go around with set of nice cables - the first time I didn't realize how much of a difference the cables made because I bought all the equipment and the cables at one time.  this  go around im piecing things together as I go ...As soon as I put these cables on,   the transparency, imaging -things like the sound of the symbol being lightly struck by a drumstick (it's good to be king -Tom Petty) is round, full and has that distinct flavor..  quality cables are simply enriching to the system.   

thats how I feel
Ag insider logo xs@2xsunnybaker
I've found some cables make a difference. I've rarely found cables worth their asking price.
Kudos on your discovery! You said it well, "quality cables are simply enriching to the system."

I suggest you look into aftermarket power cords, digital link i.e. USB, etc. for they, too, are as impressive in enriching the system as any others. If any of your equipment takes an outboard power supply such as wall wart, you will want to look into a dedicated, regulated power supply�. Yup, those also are enriching... and, of course, an aftermarket power cord on it as well.   :) 

What douglas_schroeder said, +1.       Although good hearing/listening abilities can cost one a bit more, with regards to their audio expenditures; the rewards are manifold.
Im glad to hear that (pun intended). I have a set Kenwood L-o7's im restoring/upgrading. I can't wait to hear the difference.