Oh, I get it. You want to know what WE would like. For sheer dynamics and compatibility with low powered tube amps, I'm tempted by the Zalytron, Selah and Occam line arrays. For less cost, size and something more conventional, the Selahs with the Morel 2" soft dome midranges and ribbon tweeters would be my choice. I've liked dome midranges for female voice and sax and the crossover between ribbon and dome mid is livable. Then again... always liked Dunlavy's, so maybe a MTM but with a ribbon tweeter?
None of the above would satisfy my deep bass needs. In the case of the latter Selahs, I would keep them sealed and add stack them on a sealed active sub. However, I would probably start with a multi-driver passive sub and use a PA amp (QSC, Crown, Carver Pro or even W4S) and a NHT X2 active xover.
At one point, I was considering something like a DIY Genesis clone, using the big BG ribbons. Turned out I could buy a used G350 for less than it would cost to build half-assed.
Years ago, decades actually, worked with Bessel-type passive filters on commercial projects. Never been popular but I liked them for their linear phase response. Long forgotten. Wouldn't know where to start now. Vaguely remember endless tables, spec sheets and calculations. Stronger memories of late nights smelling solder flux and burnt components.
None of the above would satisfy my deep bass needs. In the case of the latter Selahs, I would keep them sealed and add stack them on a sealed active sub. However, I would probably start with a multi-driver passive sub and use a PA amp (QSC, Crown, Carver Pro or even W4S) and a NHT X2 active xover.
At one point, I was considering something like a DIY Genesis clone, using the big BG ribbons. Turned out I could buy a used G350 for less than it would cost to build half-assed.
Years ago, decades actually, worked with Bessel-type passive filters on commercial projects. Never been popular but I liked them for their linear phase response. Long forgotten. Wouldn't know where to start now. Vaguely remember endless tables, spec sheets and calculations. Stronger memories of late nights smelling solder flux and burnt components.