Considering going back to Solid State

I have had and Audio Research REF5se now for a few years and love it. Let me be clear, I love the sound and am not wanting to trade back to SS for anything it does wrong. But I am wanting to simplify and get away from tubes and the heat and concern for hours, etc.

So I am seeking advice in the 10-15K range on solid state pre-amps that would be comparable in performance to what I now have. Considering the Ayre 5 series, SimAudio Moon, McIntosh as a few considerations. Which brings me to you, any experience that you have had making a similar comparison would be helpful.

The rest of the 2 channel side is a Mc402 Amp and Revel speakers, how ever in the next month I plan to either buy the Sopra 2's or the Sonus Olympica Nova III, all cardas wiring in case this helps.

Thank You in advance


I did the same thing a year ago and don't miss tubes.  I had Doshi tube amps and preamp.  Before that, ARC Ref 5.  I now have an all Pass Labs system:  XP22 preamp, XP 17 phono, X260.8 amps.  First time in over 20 years there are no tubes anywhere in the system, and I'm very happy.