Smoke on my power amp

I was listening the music with the right speaker wire detached to listen to the left speaker alone. The speaker wire was still attached at the amp side. My preamp does not have the balance knob.
After 20 secs or so, there was a smoke on my power amp.
I quickly turn off the amp.
Once smoke comes, would it be safe to turn it on again? I wonder whether it is permanently damaged.
Is it not safe to listen to the music with the speaker wire detached from one speaker but still attached on the amp side?
My amp is Plinius SA 102.
Any comment?

Agree with almarg you need at schematic to simplify repair it can be done without but you may have to through parts at it that look suspect. If you can find an old school tech in your area that has year of experience trouble shooting you may be able to have it fixed for peanuts. If the 2 or 3 graying transistors or resistors are your problem you could be looking at pocket change in parts. You may laugh but the guy that works on my tube and solid state gear on the side works for the school board fixing media equipment and before that had a television repair business. He began his career in the 60's working at a television station. So finding someone local is possible. I don't think running amp without speaker hook up did it, positive and negative must have crossed, good luck you will get it running again.

Not good :-(

When you say "speaker wire detached", do you mean BOTH the wires were uplugged from the right terminals or only one ?  Is it possible you could have shorted the speaker output ?  Typically, the amps should be protected against speaker shorts but nothing is guaranteed.
To illustrate what I was referring to in my previous post, in the first of the following photos I’ve uploaded the two transistors with the grayish blobs straddling two of their leads are shown surrounded by a red rectangle. The second photo is a blowup of that area:

Although the limited resolution of the original supplied by the OP makes it hard to tell, I wouldn’t be surprised if those transistors were what smoked.

-- Al

@ihcho ,
I did the same thing on my old DNA-1-inadvertantly, of course.
The only thing that happened was that the fuses blew.

I would be surprised that your amp wasn't equally protected.
Did any fuses blow?