Do they really make a difference? Definitive answer is....

I have certain and unequivocal evidence that high quality cables and interconnects absolutely Do make a vast improvement... I heard it.  This is my second go around with set of nice cables - the first time I didn't realize how much of a difference the cables made because I bought all the equipment and the cables at one time.  this  go around im piecing things together as I go ...As soon as I put these cables on,   the transparency, imaging -things like the sound of the symbol being lightly struck by a drumstick (it's good to be king -Tom Petty) is round, full and has that distinct flavor..  quality cables are simply enriching to the system.   

thats how I feel
Ag insider logo xs@2xsunnybaker
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For those that can hear the differences, no explanation is necessary.      For those that can’t, no explanation is possible.     NEVER stop listening and learning!
@sunnybaker -
An interesting anecdote re your Opera Consonance Joplin cable. This was the same brand that convinced me all wire does not sound the same.  Had previously been a skeptic..."Wire is wire, blah blah blah....".

Difinitive answer is ...NO 
If it's not or can't be scientifically substantiated with spreadsheets, shut the front door. Thankfully Quack marketing is not involved with the hospital industry, knee surgery might have you looking for a chair that works with knees bending backwards..Imagine that !
David Copperfield is a Magician..if you can fool the eyes why not the ears. 