Tube MC phono stage recommendation

I've been enjoying my Bottlehead Eros phono for some time now and after a good bit of tube rolling I think sounds pretty great. However, it's gain is a bit limited for running MC cartridges and when I've tried in the past it forces me to crank up the system and with that comes lots of noise. I'm sure a SS MC phono would be the quietest option but I love the quality of sound and the tweakability offered by tubes. 

Let me know if you have a tube phono (new or used) that you would recommend. I would be interested in anything under $1,500 (ideally a lot under ;).

Hey chakster, yes, I have fun both ss (integrated and standalone) and tube phonos and my ear seems to prefer the results I get from tubes. Not always easy to live with but I enjoy the process of researching, sourcing, and swapping tubes. 

I'll probably try exploring the world of SUTs, but just out of curiosity, what SS phono stage in my price range do you really love?
You could also use a Piccolo2 as a front end.  That will give you all the additional flexibility you need, if you like the Eros.  
I’ll probably try exploring the world of SUTs, but just out of curiosity, what SS phono stage in my price range do you really love?

Now definitely current injection type of the phono stages like 47 Labs Phonocube for MC only, your LOMC must be low impedance like 2-5 Ohm. I bought it not so long ago (used, not new) at your price range, prior to that i've been using (and still have it) the JLTi mk4, the mk5 now available here.

Regarding the SUT i like vintage Luxman toroidal silver SUT combo.

Thanks for the suggestions! Some really fun items to research. 

I did end up going with a Cinemag based SUT built by Ned Clayton and a Dennon DL-301ii. Everything is sounding great but I did need to swap some tubes in the Eros. Apparently, in my pre-MC quest for more detail and clarity, I had biased the system a little lean and needed to warm and soften it a bit after installing the 301.