Japan Trip - Looking For Shopping MC Cartridge Recommendations

I lived in Japan from 1990-99 and went back there on business 1-2 times/year for several years after that, so I consider it my second home.  
My change in jobs has kept me away from Japan for about 6 years, but this summer I'll be going back for a couple of weeks.  I will be mainly in the Tokyo area, and would like recommendations from those who know where to find great deals on phono cartridges.  
I have read several threads on these forums about the much lower prices on carts in Japan, but I know that not all shops are cheaper than the U.S. pricing.  I'm looking for specific shops I can visit to find good deals.  
I'm very familiar with Tokyo and navigating its trains and subways, so if you're recommending shops I only need to know the shop name and which train station it's nearest to.  Akihabara used to have quite a few high end audio dealers but the last time I was there it seemed to be overrun with Cosplay and gaming shops.  I imagine there are still a few shops there, however.  
I'll be shopping for a new MC cartridge.  I currently have a Lyra Delos and will either move up the Lyra line or look at other excellent cartridges that sell in the U.S. for $4-$7K.  Emphasis will be on getting a much better price than U.S. pricing.  If the savings is not significant I'll just buy it here instead.
Thanks for any help you can give me.  My time will be a little shorter than I'd like on this visit so I need to make a focused plan.
First, you will not find Lyra cartridges for sale in Tokyo. Second, the price differential between Tokyo and USA is very variable depending upon brand.  This is because different US distributors have very different mark-ups on the particular brands that particular company imports. Therefore you should take with you some sort of US price guide for the brands you like, to verify that you're getting a "deal".  Finally, there are many great audio salons in Tokyo; it's almost like you went back in time to NYC of the 1970s, but for one stop shopping, I recommend Yodibashi Camera in Akihabara.  It's a gigantic department store that has every sort of appliance, camera, and audio toy you can imagine all in one place.  Yodibashi give a discount of the Japanese VAT (about 8%), if you present your passport, and an additional similar discount if you use your credit card. Audio is on the 5th floor, I think.  Salesmen as a rule do NOT speak English.  Be prepared to use a lot of sign language.  The check-out guys and girls do speak enough English to help with the actual transaction. At Yodi, you will see some unusual Japan-only cartridges and many familiar brands, but not Lyra.
@lewm  Thanks for the suggestions.  I know Yodobashi Camera very well as it was one of my regular haunts while I lived there.  
I was unaware that Lyra is not sold in Tokyo.  Why is that?  
I'm also considering some other brands of cartridges made in Japan.  ZYX is a brand I've heard great things about, for one.  Are they any brands that you know to be significantly less expensive in Japan than in the U.S.?  

Be careful with zyx as there are many problems and it is better to have a good after sale service.
Specific ZYX problems??

The only problem I had with mine that I bought from 2juki was that I plain wore it out!

I was considering another one but would like to hear what these " many problems" are.......
My Zyx airy 3 began before 1000 hours to get suspension probem,and I bought it through official importer. On my French forum 5 people got problem with zyx mistracking  ,or with bad sound ...at low millage. 4 were bought at official dealers and one from 2juki.
On German forum there were complaints about zyx cartridges.
In fact I think zyx are made by subcontractors and there are not enough control of quality.
On whatbest forum a man received a 10k zyx, the box was empty. They send a new one and it was mistracking ,the third one was working. I think it sums up the situation.