converting oiled walnut to "rosenut" color

I have a pair of Snell Type A-III's that I'm freshening up(new woofer foams and maybe some crossover updates).

I'd like to change the existing oiled walnut to a rosenut color. Overall, the walnut veneer on both speakers is in excellent condition and really needs no work. I'm reasonably adept in a woodworking shop and in wood finishing. I'm considering wiping them down with General Finishes Georgian Cherry gel stain. It has the right dark-wine color.

Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions for changing to color to rosenut? How about top finishes?..I don't want to use any heavy topcoats. I'd like them to appear as natural-original as possible. I know the refinish may impact their value, but I'm not too concerned about that.

The new veneer will not damage sound quality it would improve it. The new veneer will not loosen glues thats just crazy to suggest and shows no understand of wood working. You will not see the grain of the old veneer through new again I question the posters experience with any wood working. The last might be true if loudspeakers newer might loss value if re-veneered.

I just refinished a 30 year old pair of walnut JBL's. I used 0000 steel wool on them and then I applied Howard's Retore a Finish. Howard's comes in many different wood colors and I used walnut. They turned out darker and richer looking. Here is a link to some photos. This a miracle product that is so easy to use.
Audiokarma has a lot of guys who've restored/recompense, etc. speakers and cabinets. Someone over there may have done what you're trying to do. I'd search that site and/or start a thread.