Cartridge loading

Presently I am using a ZU/Denon DL103 mc cartridge with ZU Audio's highest tolerances.  I had this cartridge mounted on my VPI Prime and after going through all the various loading combinations, I settled on 200 ohms.  I was always satisfied with my choice of setting.  I no longer have the Prime and now use the Technics SL1200G turntable.  After having the same cartridge mounted and aligned by the dealer, I inserted it into my system and enjoyed the sound immensely, never touching the 200 ohm setting.

Yesterday I was listening to vinyl most of the day and for some reason I found the sound to be better than ever, mostly in the treble area.  The highs had shimmer when needed and I had played the same records many times before on the Prime and they never sounded as good as they did yesterday.  Just for the heck of it, I checked the cartridge loading and found it was now set at 1000 ohms.  As I said, when I put the Technics into the system, I never bothered changing the loading which was at 200 ohms as it was the same cartridge, just a different turntable.

I believe I know what happened, when I last used the tone controls on my McIntosh preamp, (you have to shuffle through a menu) I must have inadvertently put the cartridge loading at 1000 ohms.  It truly sounds fantastic, better than I ever thought possible.  The Bass is still very deep and taut, midrange is the same but the treble, oh my, so much better.  Now the million dollar question is why should it now sound better at 1000 ohms, when it sounded great before at 200 ohms?  Can the tonearm on the Technics have an effect on cartridge loading?  I always thought it was all dependent on the preamp, amp and speakers.  What am I missing here?  I am very curious to know.  The specs for my cartridge say greater than 50 ohms for loading.


The article I referenced was only to address the affect of inductors.  When you say, RFI, are you talking radio frequency interference, or in general, electro-magnetic interference (EMI)?  EMI encompasses conducted emissions (CE) , conducted susceptibility (CS), radiative emissions (RE), and radiative susceptibility (RS). My background includes testing equipment to EMI requirements, so I am just trying make sure we are on the same page when communicating.  However, Peter at Soundsmith addresses the concept of stylus jitter

I also have experience with vibration testing.  So when I read all this, my analogy is that stylus is tracking the record such that you want the transmissibility (essentially the ratio of the record grove to the stylus-cantilever movement) to be unity, that way the stylus-cantilever reads exactly the groove.  If the transmissibility drops below unity, then the stylus-cantilever-suspension is absorbing energy and there will be loss of data.  It may read the frequency correctly, but the signal output will be lower than normal, and this could be frequency dependent, so an oscilliscope trace may show some 'suck-out' at the affected frequencies.  The list of items that can cause transmissibility less than unity can be of mechanical origin (such as too much VTF) or electrical (such as circuit speed).

If the stylus-cantilever-suspension transmissibility is greater than unity, but not resonating then it will output more data than what is on the record, i.e. it may read the frequency, but the signal output may be high than normal, but again this may be frequency dependent.  So, an oscilliscope trace may show some peaking at the affected frequencies.  The list of items that can cause transmissibility greater than unity can be of mechanical origin (such as VTA) or electrical (such as cartridge loading and maybe an electrical circuit causing a weird impedance).

However, if the stylus-cantilever-suspension resonates, the transmissibility increases many times causing the stylus-cantilever assembly to move far greater than what is in the groove, thee output signal to increase proportionally, and depending on whether the stylus maintains groove contact, and depending on the pre-amp overload margin can lead to massive harmonic distortion (smearing of the output signal, i.e. conducted emissions) with distorted sound, and/or pops.  

Ergo, anything that effects the stylus-cantilever-suspension stiffness, be it of mechanical or electrical origins can affect its ability to properly read the groove.  And, since low, mid and high frequency information can simultaneously exist, there can be shall we say over 20,000 opportunities for this unravel.   Yes, its a mircale that this works, but as Corey Greenberg said many years ago, a 1000 years from now, good luck trying to find a CD player, but you could play a vinyl record with a pine needle.
Now, as the force against the groove wall lessens
Very much agree with that. EMF damping I’ve been talking about. Thanks for sharing Dave.
@atmasphere Don’t really buy the RFI argumentation, sorry. Putting aside simple and super cheap solutions like grid stoppers existing for decades, I cannot see how the RFI conspires to always give the effects exactly mimicking underloaded (high R) cartridge.

Re-reading my response above, I failed to address the actual question.  So, did some more research and came upon the site, which has a wealth of historical data, with detailed info, lots of calculations, and this article presents an interesting model of the equivalent circuit of the dynamic system of a phono cartridge.  While it does not clearly show that harmonic distortion can mimic unloading, the mechanical resonances are not so simple".  Depending on the design of electrical circuit, harmonic distortion can saturate capacitors and inductors thus shifting the electrical resonance frequencies, and if they coincide with the mechanical resonances, there should be no reason that the circuit in the presence of the high harmonic current behaves as if the cartridge is unloaded. 
@antinn Fantastic source, thanks Antinn for sharing! But the cart model of Shure brothers analyzed there is *unloaded* (plus the current source is strangely drawn with series (??) instead of parallel source impedance). The R on the schematics is the mechanical damping of the suspension, not the loading R.
When you say, RFI, are you talking radio frequency interference, or in general, electro-magnetic interference (EMI)?
@antinn Thanks for your comments!

RFI, not EMI. The RFI is caused by the tank circuit created by the cartridge inductance and tone arm cable capacitance. It is driven into excitation by the cartridge energy.
Don’t really buy the RFI argumentation, sorry. Putting aside simple and super cheap solutions like grid stoppers existing for decades, I cannot see how the RFI conspires to always give the effects exactly mimicking underloaded (high R) cartridge.

Grid stoppers amazingly are not used in all phono preamps! Some designers have ’not heard the gospel’ so to speak ;( But more to your point, I’ve yet to see an audio circuit that sounds right if it is having problems with RFI. The ’cartridge loading resistor’ detunes the tank circuit at the input of the preamp. With most preamps if they are RFI sensitive, this will cause them to be less bright as there will be less intermodulation. Intermodulation contributes to brightness as the ear converts all forms of distortion into tonality.

the cart model of Shure brothers analyzed there is *unloaded* (plus the current source is strangely drawn with series (??) instead of parallel source impedance). The R on the schematics is the mechanical damping of the suspension, not the loading R.
Shure to my knowledge never made a LOMC cartridge. My comments about RFI relate only to low output cartridges. MM cartridges are an entirely different matter, as the resonant peak is often at or near the top of the audio band. They are also capable of ringing at audio frequencies as their inductance is so much higher, so to use a MM effectively, proper loading **is** required.