What creates the effortlessness in sound reproduction?

I have a chance to listen some speakers in the last 10 years. I notice that there are 2 speakers which produced sound 'effortlessly', even at low or high volume levels (I never tried max levels on them since they are not mine). With this effortlessness, listening to music is very relaxing. 

I wonder what makes the effortlessness in these speakers? 

Please shed some light on this. 

Thank you. 
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Hi Huy,

You’ve described one of the key qualities I like in a listening. It is like sitting on top of a mountain ridge and looking out for miles to the horizon.

My experience in trying to reproduce this is that it needs:
  • Speakers which are measurably neutral, and smooth especially in the midrange to treble region. Lots of high end speakers with great press are measurably ragged here.
  • Drivers which are free of compression
  • Excellent room acoustics and/or controlled dispersion speakers. 

Based on reading on room acoustics and learning and brain behavior, it seems we spend a lot of brain energy pulling room acoustics out of what we hear. If you’ve ever been in a bad room talking to some one, or just listening and found it exhausting, this is why.


I think it could be efficiency, at least in the case of a pair of 99db efficient speakers I use (Klipsch Heresy IIIs). The sound gets thrown out from the speaker post haste. 

As others have pointed out, high efficiency drivers tend to have a lot less compression due to low power and low heat.

The coils and motors just don't heat up the same way.
What’s upstream driving the speakers is a major, MAJOR influence in the audio performance you wines ..... planning for system synergy and investing here first matters. 

the old adage still applies: “garbage in = garbage out“