Upgrade phenomenon

What do you call the improvement to your system that you get after you’ve made a new purchase, but before you’ve even received the new component, speaker, cable, or doohickey? I shifted my speakers a tiny bit. I looked at the GIK website and took some room measurements to investigate room treatments. I bought my first new tube power amp after months of agonizing and research and saving spare change (and maybe a little embezzlement, but that’s a secret). I bought some new cables. But I haven’t changed anything yet, just placed the orders. Is my system just happy because I’m finally giving it some TLC and buying it presents? 
Tube gear makes you a better person even if you haven't installed it yet...your skin clears up, people pay closer attention to what you say, and you get slightly taller. Once the gear is installed, most of the above levels off.
+1 wolf_garcia LOL hilarious!

cat_doorman, what’s to stress over, unless you shouldn’t have spent the money! I suggest you get totally stressed, upset stomach, itchy, sleepless... maybe even tension headaches. It all helps the distressing when the equipment comes and you realize that things do actually change rather dramatically.

Then you can begin the process of great self-congratulation for being such a genius in buying equipment unheard and having such a big positive result! You can conclude that now you are SO close to state of the art sound that it’s not possible for it to get any better.

In other words, the typical Audiophile Nervosa experience. ;)

Seriously, try all variants, because no one here can tell you which system setup will be superior to your ears. For inspiration, read my recent review of the Kinki Studio EX-M1+ Integrated Amplifier at Dagogo.com
Ignore the sound quality discussion, as you just bought and do not want to second guess. Pay attention to the need for exploring alternative configurations. You are on the right track.

But, really, you need to do something about your stress level! ;)
I'm sure impressed with my Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP power amp.  It's better than anything else I've heard in my system - McIntosh, McCORMACK, and several lesser amps as well.  If you bought without hearing a demo, you're in for a very pleasant treat.