@mike_in_nc I'm unsure regarding your comment below. Can you elaborate?
I was very concerned about this very issue and a number of folks helped me out. Al ( @almarg ) was a primary advisor on this. Perhaps he can comment and add his usual dose of clarity to the discussion?
I also reached out to the designer and manufacturer of both the Preamp and Amp. Both verified that the approach @almarg and others recommended was safe. I also verified with Richard Gray who is local to me, before moving forward.
I was very concerned about this very issue and a number of folks helped me out. Al ( @almarg ) was a primary advisor on this. Perhaps he can comment and add his usual dose of clarity to the discussion?
I also reached out to the designer and manufacturer of both the Preamp and Amp. Both verified that the approach @almarg and others recommended was safe. I also verified with Richard Gray who is local to me, before moving forward.
Adapters from unbal to bal sometimes ground one of the active pins (2 or 3 of XLR), but that is not advisable going from bal to unbal, as you would be grounding one output of your source component, which could damage it.