Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening

Don’t hate them at all, and the good Mr. Pass is a great guy.

I am curious why those who love them love them, because face it, when some one turnes into a Passter, they rarely turn back! :) They don’t look for other amps, they look for other Pass amps.

Pass is an ideal situation to learn from. The man himself argues against the perfect amp, and his fans love it. The gear measures differently than other gear.

His fans should continue to love it. I will continue not to, but that difference is exactly where we can learn about what we grow to love about gear.

I am 100% sure that regardless of my feelings or thoughts, Nelson will continue to enjoy enviable economic success, and I wish him that and more.


Erik I don’t understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs
+1 after seeing the latest anti Pass Labs thread he started yesterday, just another one of many.

Cheers George
I really dislike the term hate because it’s not true. By the same standards, what is wrong with all of you that you hate neutral, low distortion amps?

The truth is, you don’t hate. You just like what you like. And I think that’s a fascinating topic if we can put that together with measurements.
Eric is on record saying he likes D’agostino amps....

So what makes D’agostinos amps so different from Pass Labs amps?

Read Dan’s quote below, especially the last sentence. It’s pretty much the same philosophy Pass uses. Yet, there’s no hate for D’agostino, no trolling threads, nothing.

If distortion is such a big deal to him, why doesn’t he troll tube amps?

D’Agostino: In Krell’s early days, our amplifiers were really based on sound. I listened to every one. Later on, we became a super-technical company where we [were] really interested in becoming the first to apply new, patented technologies to our amplifiers.
When we started this new company, I really wanted to express my love of music. Because I wanted the Momentum to sound like music, I designed it in a totally different fashion. There’s nothing in the Momentum that I used at Krell. It has higher distortion than what we made for Krell, but it’s made for sound. Oftentimes, something that sounds good doesn’t necessarily measure as well as something that’s made to measure.