Jeff Rowland to what?

I currently own a Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier. I'm curious as to what amplifiers I should listen to below 20K, new or used. I'm not unhappy, but I'm curious. The amp will be driving Monitor Audio PL500 II's. The preamp is a Jeff Rowland Corus.


Hello @Sacresta, I own and adore my Rowland Aeris DAC... But unlike friend Ricred1, I have enhanced its performance by feeding it through the Rowland external Power Storage Unit (PSU). This external ultra-capacitor-based full-chassis power supply has taken my DAC to amazing new heights... When powered by PSU, Aeris leaves the performance of Aeris with the original power supply simply in the dust.

MSG me if you want to know more.

Regards, Guido


Hello G.,
A little birdie told Rowland will be releasing a new amplifier....735 mono-amps. 
Very interesting indeed. The 735 will be Class AB mono-amps. When my local dealer receives them, I'll be sure to go listen to them.