Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening


To the couple Eric lovers, you must be blind, just look at his history of starting anti Pass Labs threads.
And this one started by markum01 OP is just a "retaliation thread" to the dirt digging anti Pass one Eric posted just 22hrs beforehand, wake up and smell the roses.
Be careful George you'll get your post censored and removed like I did by the almighty mods.
Hey George,  I've read a few of Eriks Non Lovin Pass threads,  there are plenty of brands that I don't love.  I find Erik constantly trying to come up with threads,  I find this helpful with this forum.  Alot of education goes on for our members because of those.  I don't know of anyone else that goes out of their way to keep new threads up like Erik does, so yes,  I occasionally get a bit aggravated with him also,  but appreciate his effort that he puts forth in our little group. I certainly would not call myself an Erik fan,  but he stirs alot of minds just as much as he aggravates others.  
I'm on my third Pass amp, also have a First Watt. Though 3 friends who have had and enjoyed Pass amps have moved on; VAC Integrated, Rowland, Belles...and we all very much like each others systems...
Low to no negative feedback in an amplifier with high pass above 100 HZ is a brutal unfair advantage

And recognizing that the human ear / brain relationship is way more sensitive to various forms and orders of distortion than others.... makes for IMO an astute designer and a more musical amp :-)