Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening

I'm on my third Pass amp, also have a First Watt. Though 3 friends who have had and enjoyed Pass amps have moved on; VAC Integrated, Rowland, Belles...and we all very much like each others systems...
Low to no negative feedback in an amplifier with high pass above 100 HZ is a brutal unfair advantage

And recognizing that the human ear / brain relationship is way more sensitive to various forms and orders of distortion than others.... makes for IMO an astute designer and a more musical amp :-)

Who cares what Erik likes or dislikes. It’s his opinion and should have no bearing on what your ears like. He doesn’t like colored amps. It’s like McIntosh, some love them and some hate them. I find Eriks posts hilarious. He definitely knows how to push buttons. Wonder if he related to my wife.