Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening

Hey @millercarbon :

You have been all pouty for weeks because I gave you free advice that you didn’t take and wasn’t a direct answer to your original post.  You just completely ignored a poster asking for help with an AVR and spewed your own biases.

No one on audiogon stalks me like you do, so you better pay me for the attention you are getting.



This is slander, as others have replied to you, my Pass threads were quite neutral and I took no position other than to ask questions and get specific insight. Your brown stained glasses are the only reason you see this.
Sorry fact Eric, as many others have said before me, you must be immune to the comments or something if you think you are "quite neutral" to Nelson Pass.

You start threads and posts on Pass Labs amps and you cherry pick what "only you think" are the faults, to "try" to imply there is something inherently wrong with the Pass design.

He is one of the messiah’s of modern day audio, you have not even a minute piece of technical knowledge/info, that could counter what he has to offer the audio world.

Some say Nelson Pass must have shun you at a show once or something for you to have this kind of negativity against him and his amps.
I think maybe it’s his comments about your beloved Class-D amps that haunts you so much.
Nelson Pass (Threshold, Passlabs) on Class-D
"Does a $10 bottle of wine compete with a $100 bottle? Of course it does, and it often wins based on price. Right at the moment Class D designers seem to be still focusing on the objectively measured performance of their amplifiers. I expect that at some point the economics of the marketplace will encourage them to pay more attention to the subjective qualities, and then they will probably play a greater role in the high end."

What ever it is, leave Nelson Pass alone, stop starting negative threads on his designs and no one will jump on you then.
Another tempest in a teacup forum.....rub some's fur the wrong way, and the static turns into a thunderstorm yielding a flood...

(A statement:  I have no particular opinion, pro or con, re Pass amps.  IMHO, they have no more appeal nor dislike than any other product; as usual, at least in my universe.  It's another Preference.  Just like Ford vs. Dodge, or anything else that has a competitor.)

Up to this moment....the response I see 'above' this post reminds me of the dung-storm (love that comment, btw...) that Muslims have re Any depictions of Mohammed and/or Allah....

"OMG! Sacrilege!  We must destroy the Infidel that Dares to inflict True Believers with this....this....this Hersey!"

Chill out...

It's not like the man broke into your house, dragged your beloved amp into the front yard, urinated on it, doused it with the collected dog dung and gasoline, and lit it.

I can see the 10PM news (or the SNL 'send-up') now...

"Fringe Audiophiles Go Ballistic; Tolerant Neighbors Go Bemused"

Great PR, y'all.....;)

Stand your ground, Eric. ^5's.

" He is one of the messiah’s of modern day audio, "

...and we've seen what happens when That....and Kool-Aid, sneakers, UFO's, and all manner of 'statements' flow.....

It's an Amplifier.
Not a piece of the 'True Cross'....the majority of which is likely to be splinters sold to gullible tourists...

Not that Pass amp owners are gullible, no.....apparently subject to some sort of hysteria or enthusiasm, perhaps...

" He is one of the messiah’s of modern day audio, "

...and we’ve seen what happens when That....and Kool-Aid, sneakers, UFO’s, and all manner of ’statements’ flow.....

It’s an Amplifier.

Sorry but with that kind of statement you have no idea on what Nelson Pass has given to modern day "solid state amp design" since the 70’s starting with.

As I have said before I don’t like the sound of his later "Mosfet Amps", I much prefer his earlier "Bi-polar designs", but I don’t do what Eric is doing, by going out of his way to start threads belittling NP designs without knowing **** about design himself.

Cheers George