Tekton 4-10 Subwoofer

Looks like there is a new Sub from Tekton. It looks cool! Eric Alexander, if you are out there, would love to know more about this new product.

I heard Eric might be sending these subs to a reviewer at AVSforum in a couple months. (I guess they are too busy filling orders right now for marketing).

I really need a frequency response graph on these.

Looking forward to it.
"A line array is not swarm" 
Curious what this statement means?
Forgive me if your thought/comment is obvious, I just dont get it.
Tekton=4 cheap drivers in 1 box positioned at one point in a room.

Swarm=4 separate subwoofers scattered at different modal points within a room.

Search subwoofer + swarm on the forum and you'll find a bunch of posts.
Oh, ok gotcha. I appreciate the clarification. I'll pass on your suggested search though. I enjoy my "cheap" Tekton system paired with Parasound components.  I've spent a lot more in my lifetime on expensive drivers that didnt sound nearly as good as these "cheap" drivers do. I'll continue to save money on these and smile knowing that others (not here or you necessarily) have spend thousands more and continue to search for their definition of sonic bliss.

Cheers and happy listening🍻