Comparing Wadia vs. Meitner

I believe that this represents the pinnacle of CD playback. Jerry, a fellow audiogoner was gracious enough to allow me to audition his broken-in Meitner CDSD / DCC2. In my system, the boxes were switched with mine, so they each had the same cables, power conditioning, power cords, and stand. Both were run directly into the amp without a preamp. My CD playback system includes the Wadia 27ix / 270se with the latest software and full modifications from Great Northern Sound. Also included are Elrod Statement power cords, a Hydra conditioner, and a Mana rack.

In short, I think that these are both excellent units. They are also very different in what they do. In my system, it was easy to distinguish between the two within several minutes. It probably comes down to personal preference in deciding which is best here. I’ll just simply say that I’m keeping the Wadia because I think it is a perfect match for my musical preferences, my system, and what I appreciate in music.

What I love about the Wadia is its ability to convey an (absolutely) astonishing amount of detail without being harsh or fatiguing. Not only is the melody and rhythm imaged with speed and coherence, but you can actually appreciate the musicians technique, the weight and color of the instrument(s), and the ambience of the recording venue. It simply presents a convincing image of a live event. The emotional quality is all there. You can understand what separates a great and (justly) famous professional musician from a pretty good one. Everything is properly proportioned, the soundstage is appropriate and believable, everything is audible, and the background is silent. From complex orchestral pieces and opera, to vocals, to solo instruments, I do not believe there are any weak spots. Again, it simply convinces and fools the mind into believing that you are sitting in front of the performance. I have frequented the concert halls, and I’d hate to say it but sometimes the recording is better.

I think that just about anybody could probably be happy with either of these 2 systems. Of course, curiosity makes us wonder if the grass is greener. I am just very content with where I am right now. I'd invite Jerry to make some comments when he gets a chance.

I wrote my last post right before tireguys. As a postscript I'd like to tell you what Frank P also said in our phone conversation about the several players that were compaired. He said "I wouldn't have believed it but guess which player was the closest to the EMM? It was a modded SONY SCD 1". I believe Frank left that out of this thread on purpose so as not to offend any Wadia owners.
Also it should be noted that we're not comparing apples to apples. (modded to factory stock) I've heard that Richard Kern already has low cost mods the the EMM transport that is supposed to improve it. (Here in Palm Springs it's 108 degrees and I can already feel the heat from the nuclear explosion that just went off in Portland). I heard that second hand so don't hold me to it.
Rx8man, I believe Frank P already addressed your question with the comments that caused all this controversy.
Fmpnd, sorry you won't be posting...I for one have enjoyed your inputs. I'ts really too bad if some people can't take them in context.
Drhst20 was the Wadia you referred to the 861 SE or just 861? could anybody who has done this comparison give some specific sonic impressions of the differences between the two units please?
Fmpnd - You have done nothing wrong. Blah, lifeless and dull are not attacks, but an honest appraisal of your experience. It was a great thread until Audiobugged's hearing aid comment. It sounded quite insulting to me, although I think he may have been surprised at those terms in conjunction w/ Wadia (I own a GNS 850, and would never use those words to describe its sound, but I've never heard Meitner gear either). His next sentence was valid regarding pre-amp useage. Maybe he just didn't realize how offensive the hearing aid comment sounded.
Please don't stop posting honest appraisals of equipment - that's what makes this site useful. If I only wanted to hear positive things, I would subscribe to Stereophile. There is a difference betwen an attack and describing a piece of equipment as not as good as another, and people can disagree on the relative merits of a product if they say why - no piecde is perfect, and if one piece excels at bass, maybe its midrange resolution is fuzzy. Saying so is not an attack, but provides useful info to all.

The Wadia was a 861 (Not SE) with the latest statement upgrades from GNSC. The differences, as I remember them, are as follows.

As Far As running direct to amps:

1. The Wadia simply did not have the resolution of the EMM Gear. This is important as resolution is what I loved about my Wadia compared to everythng else I have ever owned (If you are curiuous as to what I have owned, just check out my Virtual system).

2. The bass (which I also loved about my Wadia) sounded muddy compared to the Emm Gear.

3. Transparency and air increased substantially. This was probably the first and easiest thing we noticed.

4. When I first recieved my Wadia, I noticed it was ever so slightly rolled off. As I became accustom to its sound, I did not notice it anymore. However, every time I placed it against another player, or played a piece of music with say a high soprano, I would notice that the highs where just slightly rolled off. It never bothered me much, but when you compared it to the EMM gear, it was noticable. The EMM gear just seems to take the highs to the stratosphere without becoming eggy.

When using the Wadia thorugh the EMM Switchman preamp:

1. Bass control and Transperecny improved along with Dynamics. I actually prefered the Wadia thorugh the Switchman vs running direct to the amps. This surpirsed me as I have tried a number of preamps (Bat VK-51SE, Placette, etc)with the Wadia and prefered it direct (Although as I have stated previously, I could see how some might always prefer it thorugh a pre-amp. My taste do not always correspond to others tastes).

I hope that helps everyone. Again, I loved my Moded Wadia 861, especially with my Elrod Statement II and would not hesitate to recomend it to someone looking for a one box player, but to me, the EMM labs gear is better. The DCC2 is the first pieces of digital gear that I have no real complaints about when I listen to it.