Filling a 6600 Cu. ft. room

Hi there I am curious to see just how large of speakers and how many sub woofers it would take to fill a 30x40 space

Its a barn and has vaulted ceilings obviously due to a barn.
Im not certain what the spacing up there would be

Im dreaming of one day getting the genesis 300 when im on top of the world. I havent heard them, I just have extreme faith in arnie nudell and havent seen many speakers that really make me wanna upgrade from B&W Matrix 804's. The JM Labs mezzo Utopias interest me as well as the leagcy focus 20/20. I have heard the new Etopia EM with the VTL Seigfrieds and was blown away and its not the greatest reference but i have the focal utopia components and subs from 2000 or so in my car and they do rock just amazing, I even find myself listening to the jazz staion occasionaly because it comes in well and im not a jazz guy. Any way Ive been looking at the Velodyne HGS18, Paradigm Servo 15, I know enough to know i can no longer go with what seems cool and I need to get help from folks that really know whats up.
Please add JBL Everest speakers to your list of large space speakers. I think you will be impressed, not withstanding there $30K price.
6600 cu.ft? 30x40 means 1200sq.ft. To get that to 6600cf.ft. means you have a ceiling height between 5 and 6 feet. That cannot be right.

I suspect that a pair of Mezzo Utopias might be suitable, especially if you are planning on adding subs. I have heard the Utopias give a great performance in a similar-sized room (with a 16ft ceiling) and my daughter has a room of that size with a Revel 5.1 system that works pretty well.

You say you are not a jazz fan but you do not say what you do want this system for. What kind of music? Will this be only a 2 channel system?

Basicly I am building a barn, I am going back and forth on putting a listening room in (Expensive) or just putting my stereo on one side of the house and not having to build any walls except for the bathroom, and it would be 6 foot wools and a barn ceiling 1/2 or 2/3 as much space, MY Cu. Ft. was off
I vote for putting the stereo (one question answered) in a portion of the larger space. First, a subdivision would have to be substantial to be isolated but, second, whatever internal walls you build will introduce their influence on the sound. OTOH, if you are going to dedicate a portion of the room to the system and to serious listening, you do not have to "fill" the room.
