Harbeth Compact 7's

Hi Gents, (Ladies too), Rlmm here.

Recently acquired a nice pair of Harbeth Compact 7's and I'm trying to decide on some gear to drive them properly. I have tried several things I already own, mostly low powered tube and SS amps/preamps. Not real happy so far with the results, but I know these speakers are capable of great things. Based on my experience so far, they seem to want and need some real juice behind them, probably SS power. I know some are using tube gear with good success but my instincts tell me good ss may be needed to get the bass response and impact I am looking for. Odly enough my old Quad 303 amp colecting dust offered up some pretty good impact, just a little dated in some ways. This probably confirms my feelings regrding the need for SS and hefty power supply, which the Quad is known for. I also need some help with the correct size stands for these too. Any and all help is appreciated. BTW, room size is aprox-12x15x8 Thanks as always for your time.
Sorry to be late to the party, but SS amps are not a must. The EAR 70 watt is plenty powerful and, by comparison, a great value. Even has room to knock it down a few watts and put good KT88s in there.
What better time than 2020 to resurrect this thread. Would anyone like to offer their opinion on cellosven's comments. Certainly many seem to choose Solid State. There is of course the fact that MORE people buy Solid State in general. Yet, having followed the forums on this subject, many have chosen SS over Tubes by actually experimenting. I am wondering if the C7's being what they are (laid back, refined, full sounding... yet detailed and articulate), that perhaps many tube amps are too much of a good thing. 
No experience with Ear tube amp. In my limited experience, Harbeth loudspeakers require (suitable) solid-state amp for an all-round performance which includes maintaining the speed, pace and agility especially in the bass department when playing rock or demanding dynamic music. Adequately powerful SS amps that are able to provide the current to drive the speakers. Tube amps have their appeal and are capable of producing a glowing or romantic tone to voices and delicate highs ie. vocals or lullaby music but often fall short when playing rock or dynamic music with plenty of fast thumping bass lines.
Both Mistral and LFD electronics are an excellent match with Harbeth loudspeakers.
I agree Harbeths (at least bigger ones than the miniature P3SE) can benefit from solid state amp grip on the woofers, which otherwise can play bass that is rich, but a little slow and bloated.  Some better tube amps with excellent relatively linear designs like ARC or Primaluna can do a decent job.  Otherwise, in the ss realm, Hegels are outstanding.  

FInally I have read so much about these boutique LFD's I snatched one up used just now and will try with my C7's see what the fuss is all about  :)