MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

I was just discussing the dac shootout with another member via PM and the conversation highlighted one of the key differences in my experiences with the Amber 3 and the Audio Mirror T3-SE. If you find yourself wanting to get more detail or "wake up" your system, I think you would prefer the Amber 3. If you find yourself having to tame system brightness or edginess, then you'll likely prefer the AM-T3 as I did.  

I just looked up a review of my Coincident PRE's and grabbed this line:  "The PREs are quick, agile and dynamically uninhibited..." vs. "the Epicon 6 speaks for itself on this matter: I do not think anyone listening to it, audiophile or no, would fail to observe how pure and liquid is the sound..." 

I have not heard the Epicon's, but given those quick one-line summaries, I'm not surprised that Bill and I ended up making different decisions.
Please send me your AM SE to compare to my fully broken in Amber 3 with upgraded tube in my rig next week. Pretty please :)

System synergy is always the trump card and deciding factor. Secondly, one's sonic preferences and priorities also play a key role. My preference is for full bodied warmth over detail. 
I may be misinterpreting what each of you are saying about the Amber 3 but it seems like to distinctly different takes on this DAC's sound

cal3713 - " more detail or "wake up" your system, I think you would prefer the Amber 3."

grannyring " My preference is for full bodied warmth over detail"

Feel free to correct me
Yes, cal3713, please send your dac to Bill next week! I'd love to hear how he thinks it compares to the modded Orchid dac as well, which I also have. Inquiring minds need to know. :-)  
The Amber 3 along the long burn in time is sounding more full bodied and less "wake up" your system in my opinion. I found the Amber 3 too vivid and "wake up your system" sounding up to some 120 hours. That is now changing and the unit is sounding more and more full bodied and organic. This dac needs time, plus 200 hours, to really hear what she sounds like. This is my belief based on my experience.

If forced to give a final judgement at 120 hours, then I would have said the Amber 3 is just too vivid for me in the presence area for long term listening. Right now, closer to 180 hours, I no longer feel this way based on listening.
So I do not think we are saying different things. Just a matter of timing and burn in realities. I really cannot deal with bright or tipped up midrange and highs.

I also think system synergy is playing a role here. My system has been tweaked and voiced to be full bodied, slightly warm and never forced or forward sounding. The Amber 3 placed in my rig would most likely sound less bright or vivid than in another system that is voiced to be more revealing and detailed.