Wharfedale Elysian?

Did anyone go to Munich and hear these?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRkIBc7uAVk

They are supposed to hit the market in August--from what I can tell.  

The Wharfedale Linton Heritage gets me 90% to Harbeth/Spendor classic sound.  What do these sound like? 
I just ordered a pair of the Elysian 2’s. Should be here in a week. These will take the place of a pair of Focal Sopra 2’s. 
I just ordered a pair of the Elysian 2’s. Should be here in a week. These will take the place of a pair of Focal Sopra 2’s.

Yes! Please let us know... I am very curious too, but with 2 kids in college...can't place an order.


why did you decide to change from focal sopra 2 to
elysian 2? Is the elysian a lot better given its much 
lower price than the sopra 2

I'll find out by the middle of next week if the Wharfedales and as good or better than the Focals, to me in my room. I had 3 sets of Focals, all with the Be tweeter, and they all would cause a slight ringing or irritation to my ears at semi loud volumes. All 3 were in mostly different setups and 2 different rooms.
I had the Sopra 3s which (despite being great sounding speakers in the showroom even with my same gear) never sounded right in my room (similar to what you said, and were bass-shy despite good amplification etc.). I heard the Wharfedales at the Capital Audio Festival and they sounded very easy, airy, and open... I’ll be very curious to hear your impressions. Thanks!