Tube and Hybrid options

I currently have an Audio Analogue Maestro Settanta Rev.2 integrated amp that I am quite happy with; other equipment, LP12/Lingo/SME 309/Clearaudio Titanium, Ayre P-5xe phono preamp, Monitor Audio PL200's 1st gen., and Crystal Clear Audio Magnum Opus cables. I am getting the tube or hybrid itch but as I live on Vancouver Island no opportunity to audition. Therefore I was hoping to get comments/thoughts on the transition from SS to a Pathos Logos hybrid or one of the Unison all tube products.

Are you  only interested in those two? I have a McIntosh hybrid integrated that I really like gives the smoothness or some say bit of distortion of tubes and the power of SS. I know Vincent also makes a hybrid. I went with the McIntosh as there is a dealer a couple of hours away in case I ever need service. 
I recently purchased a used Vincent SV 237 integrated.  The amp section is 150 W / 250 W for 4/8 ohms, with the first 10 watts in Class A and the preamp section is tubed.  I bought it to replace an Audio Research VSi55 tubed integrated, which I loved.  They sound more alike than different, but the Vincent runs a lot cooler since there are no tubes in the power section.  I really like it so far.  I have it paired up with my Harbeth P3ESRs.