This is my first post on Audiogon. I’ve read most of the posts on the various PPT threads (TC, E Mat and The Gate) and it got me quite interested in these products. Audio has been my main hobby since my teen years (a long time ago), with a pause when the kids were young. A few years ago I upgraded my whole audio system with what I believe to be quality components. In a few words my system is made of the following. Audio PC: Phasure PC Stealth III, DAC: Phasure NOS1a, AMP: AVM SA8.2, Speakers: LEEDH E2, Sub: LEEDH 20.1. The whole system is fed by 3 direct dedicated 20 amp. lines from the main panel. The server, DAC and Amp. are each connected to a dedicated Topaz isolation transformer wired in balanced mode.
The system sounds good most of the time and very good late at night. Usually the SQ is at its best after midnight. Once in a while it sounds very very good, and that is the issue. Once you heard the best your system can do, the bar gets raised and it’s hard (and frustrating) to settle for less. I’m sure many of you have experienced the same thing. My main objective now is to get rid of the variability in the SQ (or at least lessen it), whatever the time of the day I’m listening to music.
To achieve this objective I thought of feeding the main components with a generator like the Goal Zero Yeti. A glowing review of it has been made on this thread This unit is based on a lithium battery and a pure sinewave inverter.
However I wonder if the PPT products could provide the same benefits (or even better?) without resorting to add a generator to the chain. The question is addressed to the users of the PPT products: with the TC, and E-Mat+ but without the Gate, do you experience variability in the SQ relative to the time of the day you’re listening to music? I mentioned without the Gate because I find the price tag a bit steep. However if what I’m looking for means that The Gate is mandatory, I would consider it as a second step.
Your comments will be much appreciated.
P.S.: please forgive my writing, English is not my first language.