Reviews do have their place and purpose. You get to read about products. Without reviews, you would be hard pressed to even know about them. Take the personal reviews with a grain of salt. There is serious bias with reviewers. However, that allows you to read about the specifications, see the pictures, and decide to go hear for yourself.
I don't purchase audio magazines often, but when I do, I want to read about the product listed. Like wine reviewers, I don't agree with most of them by experience, so, that isn't why I read the reviews.
Most audio stores don't carry very many products within a certain category. They can't. entirely too expensive for them. So, audio stores are a good place to listen. Remembering that it isn't your home and is not using your other equipment, so it may sound different in your home. Same for reading a review. not your home (or room), not your appurtenant equipment, and definitely not your ears, likes or dislikes. So take it with a grain.
But, without the magazines and/or reviews, most of us wouldn't even know a product existed.
But no. I won't pay (at this time) for a review on-line. I purchase magazines at times to see where the industry is currently at.