SME 20/3 --- tonearm recommendations!?

Hello Gon'ers - I have an SME 20/3 coming, recently purchased on Audiogon. I'm trying to decide what tonearm will fit the table and be a good match. I considered Graham Engineering but I have a similar setup already (30/2 + Graham Phantom II). The tonearm will be mated with my Koetsu Urshi Blue cartridge. I generally listen to Jazz and classic rock, but also enjoy most any genre. Will be mated to a Pass Labs XP-25 preamp. 

I've considered an SME IV modified (new bearings, new wiring), or one of the Kuzma tonearms. They seem to be on vogue but I don't know much about them (or it they will fit the SME).
Dear @mohawk195 : Exist several alternatives. Obviously that the first one is the IV or V that are very good tonearms and mated with your Urushi, other can be the Kuzma or Reed or Triplanar tonearms.

You can't go wrong with either.

Regards  and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I have a 20/2 that I ran with the tonearm for a few years before upgrading to a Tri-planar tonearm.  The Tri-Planar was a huge upgrade.
I had to machine a custom arm board to mount it to the plinth, but it wasn't hard to find a local shop to do that for me.  

SME recommend the Series V.
The IV is not as good by a margin. Not sure of the mods you mention on the IV but I heard the two in an acquaintance’s Townshend Rock system albeit some time ago.