Agostino Progression integrated amp

Has anyone experienced this unit? It looks to be
a ‘ relative’ value for this company if it sounds as good as other Dag products. Phenomenal build and cosmetics. Anyone own or heard one? 
I’m going to audition it this coming Tuesday to hear how it sounds on a pair of Maggie 3.7is. I’ll let you know afterwards. (My dealer warned me that it will only have about 10 hours on it and will sound bright because it hasn’t had time to fully break in.)
Funny what your dealer told you......I head from others who have heard it that it was bright.   ...don't know what speakers, and/or if it was the same dealer.  Let us know your thoughts after listening.
will be looking forward to some feedback on the unit. i’m not sure that i’ve ever heard of a dag product being bright. anyway time will tell.