confused and don't know what to do

We would like to buy a nice audio system and also have this double as a surround sound but listening to music is the priority. We have listened to many speakers but have settled on the B&W 804's. Now the challenge is to select a receiver and all the other accompaniments we require. We have a little challenge in that our home is a condo and the outside wall is all glass. The space is combined kitchen, living room, and dining room all open with hardwood floors and hard tile on the walls of the kitchen and a lot of granite counter tops. It seems that every where we go, the recommendations are different depending on what the store is selling and of course, the sales people would like us to buy the most expensive. What would give great sound without going crazy. We are thinking about 2 tribe sub woofers and space is limited and an in wall center B&W speaker but we don't know what we are doing and don't want to throw our money away. Help! Too many choices and we don't have enough knowledge. Thank you so much.
Sorry, it seems I bombarding you with pieces at a time but I am writing things as they come to,..
Blades - haven’t heard them, but I entered high end by spending 80% of my budget on Magneplanar Tympani 1a speakers in 1973. The first speaker to be awarded Stereophile’s Class A.

System didn’t quite sound like all mega-buck, but it was 90% of the way there. So if the Blades blow you away like the Tympani 1a’s blew me away, I say put them on the list and skimp everything else. Other stuff can be brought up to standard one significant birthday at a time. And that very much includes cables.

If you like the sound of Blades, also consider electrostatics and Magnepans. I’m a multiple-Quad ESL man, myself, and I built the electronics to conform to them.
I am not a big fan of B&W speakers.  Where's the base.  However, if you buy a pair of REL S3 SHO subwoofers that would fill in the lower extension.

I would look at ARCAM.  I have their AVR550.  However, I wish I could have afforded to spend $3,000 more on their AVR850.  It blew the doors off the MacIntosh.  I like their G amplification technology, as their first 50 watts is pure A.  Don't know why people feel ARCAM is not audiophile.  They are missing out that's for sure.  The only amplifier I like for the money is Parasound.  They sound really good and I believe they now have a multi-channel processor.
This is an interesting thread as I just tweaked my system over the weekend to add in HT.  I have a rather high end two channel stereo set up in my large living room.  I have been pretty much 100 percent analog music driven; however I grabbed a deal around the holidays from Axiom Audio on a pair of custom made (satin knotty pine veneer) QS10 surround speakers.  I thought it might be fun to install the surrounds in the room and put a surplus Parasound A51 power amp into service as it's been sitting on a shelf for the past 2 years.

My main set up is a VPI Ares 3 turntable with the SME Series IV tonearm, Ortofon A90 MC to a Whest PS30.RDT SE 2019 phono stage and all of this feeds an Anthem AVM60 which is a wonderful preamp/4K switching audio processor with a ton of adjustability.  I run it with no room correction at all.   The power amps are a pair of Anthem M1 monoblocks fed with dedicated 240 V/15amp circuits and each amp puts out 2000 watts per channel into a pair of Bryston signature series Model T main speakers with the PX1 external crossovers.... great speakers!!!  I have heard the KEF's and the B&W's and many others; in my opinion, the Model T's blow the other offerings out of the water.   I also have three subwoofers in the room spaced at 90/180/270 degree layout from the front main speakers.  The subs are all built by Axiom/Bryston.  

The living room is around 10,000 cubic feet in size with an 18 foot vaulted ceiling; so it's a large area to fill with sound (hence all of the power)

With all of the above said, I then decided to try out the HT format in this set up as I have a very good processor, the AVM 60 and the spare multichannel amp.  Again, I am pretty much all vinyl, but I thought it would be fun to test out some films.  I installed the Axiom QS10 surrounds, which are nice speakers with 5 drivers per speaker (using the same tweeters and mid drivers as used in the Bryston Model T's and the High power 6.5 inch woofer as used in the Axiom LFR 1100 floor speakers).  I picked up a Sony X800 Blu-ray player yesterday and installed my A51 amp to feed the center and two surrounds.  

First impressions:  I really enjoyed the Super Bowl half time show in surround, I then put on an older DVD I had in stock of Black Hawk Down and it was very impressive with the surround sound.   So my observation from all of this is that you can definitely have the best of both worlds, a top notch two channel stereo system AND HT if you are willing to spend the money on the components.  I just happened to have a retired out A51 which was replaced a couple of years ago by the M1 mono blocks, so for me it didn't take much to set this up; I only had to buy the surrounds and some balanced interconnects from Blue Jeans Cable.  I also had an older Def-tech center speaker kicking around.

OP, if you have not decided on your speakers yet, I would really suggest that you go to Axiom Audio's website and look over their offerings.  The main speakers they have are the LFR1100's in both omnidirectional and fully active which just came out.   The LFR1100's are a slimmed down version of the Bryston Model T's and far less expensive (they sell direct to consumer vs. through the dealer network as Bryston does, but similar build quality).  They will play much like the Model T's but just not as much horsepower if you don't need to fill a massive space like I am dealing with.
Most of these threads are full of so much waste of time I hardly ever come back for a second look. But just now I did and this one from audiotroy shouldn't just slide by:
Excuse us Millercarbon, please list your experience in setting up a Home Theater, all you do is denegrate those people who enjoy the benefits of both.
Right. I started out like everyone else fed the HT mantra looking for the full monty surround setup. This is all written up multiple times before btw. Spent at least a year, maybe two, going around to all the high end stores along the I5 corridor from north of Seattle to Portland. Started off listening to everything they had in Home Theater. AVRs initially, then separates.
My background before starting this was 20 years listening to a mid-1970's Kenwood integrated with JBL speakers and a Technics turntable, Pioneer RTR and Magnavox CDB650 CDP. That's the quality level I was used to and that's what kept me moving up the HT food chain. Because nothing HT was sounding even that good.
Along the way I would be in these stores and listen to their stereo gear. This was always and without exception night and day better than anything HT.
But I was really determined to have my surround theater experience. I had two pair of Talon Khorus for full range surrounds. I had done every single thing they tell you to do for home theater. All the calibration, speaker setup, everything. Hello! Full range Talons! Can you say over the top???!?
Every once in a while I thought there was something might be worth having. All the HT gear I brought home was crap. Finally one time I got what was at the time heralded to be the best surround processor around. Sorry, forget the model. Does not matter. It was such crap it too wasn't as good as the Kenwood. Played it for my wife. She couldn't believe it either.
HT exists because no one ever bothers to do these direct head to head comparisons. I actually did all this stuff. THAT is my experience.
Look at my system. Try and tell me I don't know what I'm doing. Or what I'm talking about. Go ahead. Try.
Denigrate? No. Again, look at my system! Look at it! DYODD! Its a dual use system! That great big gray thing on the wall? That's a Stewart Filmscreen Grayhawk screen. Again, try and tell me I don't know home theater!
Time and time again people come here looking for sound advice. Time and time again they run into people like audiotroy pushing what they have to sell. Talking their own book. That's the worst you could say of me. Talking my own book.
But at least I went to the trouble to do the work and make the comparisons, and have zero, zip, zilch, nada, NOTHING to gain financially.
Can you say the same, audiotroy? You are out to make a buck. So why should anyone care a whit what you have to say? And being in a supposedly higher position- professional, after all- to denigrate me? To call me out? You have some nerve. I'll give you that.