How many speaker companies?

It seems like every time I look up someone is inquiring about XYZ speaker manufacturer, that I have never even heard of .
Does anyone have an  estimate of how many speaker companies there are in the world ?
thanks !
Unfortunately there are no qualifications required to be a speaker designer so theres no limit to how many speaker companies there can be.

Fortunately there are no qualifications required to be a speaker designer so the only limits are imagination and desire.


Fortunately there are no qualifications required to be a speaker designer so the only limits are imagination and desire.
which is the problem with the speaker industry. There are simply too many bad speakers out there. Its too inclusive. We need a way of weeding out the charlatans
Weeding? Why is it I get the image of you flying a fleet of 747s across the planet dumping Roundup faster than they can make it? You would be Drax in Moonraker, destroying all audio life in order to remake it in your image. Your perfect image, I meant to say.
I have the last Stereo magazine directory listing all the manufacturers and their lineup, I believe around 1990 there was nearly 500 listed companies making complete loudspeakers. must have been an off day when I decided to count all the listings!