Anyone Get a Degritter for Xmas?

I'm thinking about taking the plunge and would love to hear owner experiences!
If you have dirty records or buy used records it will do the job nicely. If I were to buy a record cleaning machine it would be on my short list. However IMHO the best path to clean static free records is not to let them get dirty in the first place. All it takes is careful handling, a dust cover and a grounded sweep arm like this one
Very short money. Another important issue is you must not put records in paper sleeves. Paper is low on the triboelectric series. It loves to hold on to static. Get rice paper sleeves and switch to them when you open the record for the first time. Many of the better records have them already. If there is important info or art on the inner sleeve just save it in the cover next to the record. 

Not an owner yet but doing my research I most likely am buying it..I been using Spin clean for a while and some what happy with my results..BUT. Degritter might not be the BEST machine,, but it will sure be ALOT better than spin clean. I'm getting tired cleaning records it can be a lot of work and time..i know it a lot of money but I want to just relax and let a machine do all the work..thats just my personal opinion....

I picked one up a few months ago and count not be happier. Obvious sonic improvement - even on clean, brand new records.
I picked one up a few months ago and count not be happier. Obvious sonic improvement - even on clean, brand new records.
I don’t have a Degritter - I use a Klaudio US machine - but your experience doesn’t surprise me at all. LPs aren’t pressed in clean rooms, so even new ones have some dust or other contaminants on them. And there is dust in even the cleanest homes; if you need proof, just observe any sunbeam streaming through a window. Dry brushes can remove only the most obvious dust. And the "sweep arm" type brushes actually grind some of the dust into the LP surface. They should only be used on LPs that have been properly cleaned first, if at all. I find them useless. They can be a Band Aid for static problems, but I don’t think they’re the best solution even for that.

Visible dust on your stylus is proof that your records aren’t clean. It’s amazed me for years that many audiophiles have never heard a truly clean record.