Which amp would you go with

Ok the room is 13 ft wide.  Listening area is 10ft from speakers 2 ch system. The floorstanders I will be running are Tannoy XT6F.  The source is Oppo 105 as preamp.  Pretty simple setup.  The only thing not purchased yet is Amp and/or sub (if needed).  Around $1000 give or take is the budget. The short list in order of preference is.

https://www.arcam.co.uk/products,HDA,Integrated-Amplifier,SA20.htmI think this will pair best with the Tannoys and Oppo
https://www.rega.co.uk/elex-r.htmlI think this is probably the most regarded on the list.  Most expensive too

https://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=VISV500Great reviews, but Im a bit skeptical and would need some persuading from someone who owns this.

and the fallback option


I just recently acquired an Arcam sr250 which I believe has a very similar if not the same internal amplifier as the SA20 integrated. It does a great job with my Revel F208 towers. The class G Arcams are heavily class A weighted (the first 20 watts on my SR250) and its apparent. 

I have never heard Rega or Vincent amps but I love my Rega turntable and I previously had a Vincent phono stage that was great for the price point. The Vincent phono stage sounded and felt like it should have been much more expensive. 

Just my two cents. Good luck on your quest!
I heard the Musical Fidelity with some Focal speakers (1028 BE and Aria 948’s) a few years ago and it had a decent punch. I almost purchased it but the dealer here at the time was let’s say not impressive. I would consider that integrated with my setup had I not gone with separates.