Toole and why I like Tone Controls

In another thread I was pointed to a really excellent paper by Dr. Floyd Toole (he doesn't use the Dr. but it is well earned) on getting to neutral.

So I want to go back with a little history. In all of audio reproduction theater sound reproduction is among the most rigidly controlled areas of audio. From the needs of Dolby Surround playback, to introduction of acoustic decay requirements introduced by THX, and more, the attempt to deliver a uniform theater experience has been a subject of serious effort by many, and continues to be so.

That's in sharp contrast to consumer music.

So while this article focuses heavily on theater sound, it also touches on just how difficult it is for even theater sound experts to get to neutral. If they can't do it, imagine how hard it is for music!

And, yes, I'm going to hijack Dr. Toole's paper to plug tone controls. With all the guessing that goes on, not using tone controls, and not having great tone controls to use is folly.  Quote me. I said FOLLY!

Also, personal request, if anyone knows how I can get in touch with him and be a fan boy, please let me know. :) I'd love to hang with him, and it turns out he's a local.
@tomic601 - Before I go listening again, are you sure you aren't listening to the remaster??
Does anyone hear have any actual experience with anything other than reading and gurtitating and  jiving many white papers. This goes the same for all the jive bass threads. Besides me who has ever experienced the obvious location of mixed mono bass to the left or right of center. It is easy to hear the location of bass below 80hz even at 40 hz you just need to have ears and body mass that's just not filled with gas. Phase correct stereo bass makes the sound stage correct not mono bass every where. Use your own senses and listen just dont read lines of others experience your own. Tom
I went to read the article, clicked the link and was greeted with the dreaded "404 Not Found" error.

Not Found

The requested URL /tmpFiles/elib/20200201/17839.pdf was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at Port 80
(maybe a flood of Audiogon redirects :)
Does anyone hear have any actual experience with anything other than reading and gurtitating and jiving many white papers.


Um, yes.

I’m ignoring the entire rest of your post since it is clearly off topic. Good news is that Audiogon has told me they have plenty of room for new threads, so feel free to start your own.

This thread is about how hard it is to get tonal balance right of any recording. Bass was not brought up.