Are your speakers designed for your listening taste and hearing ability?

It occurs to me that speaker manufacturer’s and designers in many cases design their speaker ( and its subsequent sound) to the expected ’typical’ buyer. IME, a lot of high end speakers are designed to appeal to the consumer who has a certain amount of ’hearing loss’ due to age! This might sound odd, but I think that there are a lot of a’philes who have reached a certain age and have now two things going for them..1) A large enough wallet that the expense of the speaker isn’t really the issue and 2) a certain amount of high frequency hearing loss. This circumstance leads to designers and manufacturer’s bringing out speakers that are a) bright, b) inaccurate in their high frequency reproduction and c) not accurate in their reproduction across the frequency spectrum ( some may be tipped up in the highs, as an example). My impression is that a certain technology catches on--like the metal dome ( beryllium or titanium, as an example) and the manufacturer sees a certain public acceptance of this technology from the --shall we say-- less abled in the high frequency hearing dept, and the rest is as they say...history. Your thoughts?
Swapped out silk domes in my Monitor Audio 352s in the 80s. Did not like the new treble. Fatiguing. I swapped them back out and stuck them in my car. Only to blow my eardrums with them listening to The The with the windows up. 
I must have listened to 30 speakers before I purchased mine.  I almost purchased a pair of Martin Logan Motion 60's.  I went back to the dealer three times and the last time there I listened for two hours.  Thank God I did because I discovered I would develop ear fatigue from the ribbon tweeters.

I do wish there would be a way for consumers to listen to speakers in their homes before they purchase them.  In my case, they sounded much better at home.

I think it is very important to spend at least two hours listening to a pair of speakers before purchasing them.  It is also important to play some of the music you like to play.

I do think adding a pair of REL S3 SHO subwoofers transformed my system.  I really like their high level connection because they act like additional woofers to extend the bass smoothly.  They are tricky to dial in.  I was surprised by lowering the volume to about 40% solved the boomy bass problem.  I also noticed how they took some of the load off my tower speakers to help them play better in the mid driver and tweeters.  Voices sure sound better like Diana Krall.  I would imagine others have noticed this.  Lucky for me, my room acoustics are so good.
@larry5729  Nice post. Agree 100%. The most important thing when shopping for speakers is to have a home trial...if at all possible, IMHO. The speaker has to have synergy not just with your upstream gear, but also your room. 
I also agree that dialing in two subs is very tricky...and quite time consuming. The way you describe the set up is about how I ended up as well, although I have dialed my subs back even more than 40%...they are about 25% up on the volume dial....but then I also have a very small room.
Interesting OP and replies.
IME when you factor in the source equipment chain, room acoustics and media recording quality, all speakers can/will sound different.
I have never been happier with my system than now, simply after having moved it into a different room which is smaller, more regularly shaped, has a concrete floor and came with curtains covering the sliding glass doors.

The previous much larger multi-purpose listening room had wooden floors, a raked ceiling, uncovered glass bi-fold doors for the view and compromised corners but was where I had to be due to family reasons. Kids moving out freed up what used to be the rumpus room.
Now I find the soundstage more credible, the treble is less harsh and the bass improved dramatically.
Speakers are vintage Klipschorns.
@daveyf I think you may have young ears.  As you get older you do lose the upper frequencies, but until you get very old (80+) you will, on average, have all the main frequencies for music in tact bar the odd splashy cymbal. 
But what a lot of over 50s start to get is a greater sensitivity to upper frequencies, sounds around 2khz and up.  So older ears often do not like bright sounding speakers. They hurt us.