Quad ESLs - I have some questions

Recently I heard the latest model Quad ESL, 2905 I think, and it was a love at first listen kinda thing.  Of course I began looking at used Quad ESLs, and I am curious what the significant differences are between the 63s and the later models like 2805s and 2905s?  Used 63s are in my price range now, 2805s etc would require some patience, so I'm curious if the SQ, reliability, power handling, or other differences are worth the additional cost?  W/r/t 63s, should I be wary if they've been rebuilt. or should that be comforting if the rebuilder has a good reputation?  Anything else I should know?

The 2905s I heard were powered by a Bob Carver Crimson 275, the dealer said my BAT VK-55 would also be a great match.  I listen to singer/songwriter/acoustic/Americana/indy/alternative music with some experimental, jazz, chamber, and classical piano thrown in.  Think First Aid Kit, Jeff Parker, Wilco, Michael Kiwanuka, Gordon Lightfoot, Everything but the Girl, Anna Meredith, generally 85-93 dBs.  Room is 12x20x8, set up for one listener, fairly well treated.  Current speakers are Thiel CS-2.3s.  Also considering Zus and Devores.
I am going to try the Gr Research open baffle servo subs to go with my King Sound King stats . Everything ive read over the years makes me think it will be a flawless incorporation with stats . I am also considering one of his two open baffle speaker kits to buy and build as well . Heard they can compete with stats in the mids and treble but are better than the Kings bass .
To anyone considering an electrostat, trust me, if you can afford the space and cash, go for a Soundlab. There are only a few dealers, and I have not heard them in quite a few years, but they are so far superior to other ’stat design I have heard. And I’m sure the latest tech they have developed makes them even better.

If I ever had a dedicated listening room (and hope to someday), I would simply find the size and cost range Soundlab that suited me, and order without even auditioning them.

Having heard current and very expensive and respected other brands of ’stats, I’m shocked that people don’t hear the obvious shortcomings. A friend uses to own A1's and then U1's, so I have a decent amount of experience with them. 

As I stated I used to own Crosby Quad 63’s and currently own stat super tweeters that augment my TAD’s (which are very Quad like in sound), and yet I still dream of owning Soundlabs someday (but I'd keep the TAD)  It’s a shame that they’re not better known, displayed and marketed.  They are also a very good value and can be updated.

No brainer with the Sound Lab. Most everyone knows they kill Martin Logans etc. I was once convinced that dynamic drivers were the king of bass. Not so. Full range huge Sound lab electrostatic panels produce the cleanest, lowest distortion, detailed bass at high volume levels. Dipole bass. I am listening to my Martin logans right now. They stink. My old Acoustat 2 plus 2's sounded better. I might have to rob a bank for the Sound Lab's. They aren't cheap. Who cares about the size of them. Go big or go home. 
Sound Labs are the MOST coveted loudspeaker for any electrostatic fan. You have reached heaven when you can own a pair. Lower mass diaphragm plus its the engineering of the transformer that makes a huge difference. Martin logan uses 2 transformers both in the signal path in their loudspeakers. One to couple and the other to increase efficiency.  I am listening to my Logans now and they sound like sound coming from a metal trash can. Martin logan are just a STARTING point for an electrostatic speaker lover.