Is there a such too much power for speakers?

How do I know the amp I’m looking to buy is beautifully enough power for my speakers?
what will happen when the power amp is (way) over or too much power for the speakers?
My Local dealer quoted, “there aren’t limits on power amp, (but my budget that is). The more, the better, they added”
Their suggested highest amplifications are in $75k range (my speakers are in $20k range)
Please help.
it would be nice to know which speakers you own. For your dealer to make such a statement, either your speakers require large amounts of power or your dealer is more interested in your money than your musical satisfaction.
There is MORE danger to a speaker from an UNDER powered amplifier than the other way round.  This is because an under powered amplifier will CLIP and destroy a speaker if the amp does not have any DC protection circuit.  You can obviously destroy a speaker from VASTLY overpowering it but your ears will catch that long before that happens and will force you to turn the volume down whereas during clipping, by the time your ears hear it, it may be too late.

A good rule of thumb...  Your amp should be probably at least twice as powerful as your speaker rating to avoid clipping.

Then, when you have that perfect ratio of 2:1, and only then, shall you listen to Army of Mushroom, by Infected Mushroom, at full volume. Only then. To do otherwise would surely result in your drivers melting into magma, your cabinets splintering into kindling, and your amp exploding in a mushroom cloud of oxidized metal.

Otherwise, it’s a really fun CD.
Higher watt amps sound better, more airy, effortless, no possible distortion due to never clipping, but u need to keep volume knob in check is all.