Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andras II

Has anyone actually made this move? I have owned the Thiels for over 10 years and love the transparency, dynamics, and truth in timbre. Looking for more dynamics with Rock and classic I on the right path? Thanks for any insight!
Pops, I have mine about 5 feet from the front wall to the front of the Andra 2's and toed in toward my sitting position.

You should also add the Audioprism Ground Controls.
They work extremely well with the Andra 2's.
Thanks Ozzy, I think I spiked mine too soon, I may move them out a little tonight.

What are audioprism ground controls?
Pops, Check this out.
At nearly 5 X the original list price, I wouldn't think there would be much of a comparison.
Unsound, your right but I think Thiel has always had "real market" pricing on all their products and perform much better than their price point. The 3.6 certainly did IMHO. As a Thiel guy my bet is you agree. :)