Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andras II

Has anyone actually made this move? I have owned the Thiels for over 10 years and love the transparency, dynamics, and truth in timbre. Looking for more dynamics with Rock and classic I on the right path? Thanks for any insight!
Pops, Check this out.
At nearly 5 X the original list price, I wouldn't think there would be much of a comparison.
Unsound, your right but I think Thiel has always had "real market" pricing on all their products and perform much better than their price point. The 3.6 certainly did IMHO. As a Thiel guy my bet is you agree. :)
Well chalk me up as another Thiel owner who strayed and came back! I think I was warned by Stevecham, Unsound, and others. Having used 3.6's for 10+ years I just can't live without the coherency and clarity - there is just so much there. That is one reason I did not sell them...

I just finished my build out of an acoustically designed room - they are even better sounding than before. The Thiels are back on the stage!
I applaud you for re-opening this thread and letting us know about your change of heart. Doesn't surprise me, I must say.