nsp, Gary Bartz is a gifted musician, and I'm glad he's still around; none of the musicians I knew with his problem are still around; they all worked for "Blue Note", and from my point of view their finances weren't as great as they should have been. Drug addicts needing a fix don't make the best bargains; ask Alex about that, he posted in relation to that situation.
When a drug addict is not making enough money to pay for his habit, if that addict is a professional musician, he's in double trouble, that's because he has to have his medication before he can play. He also has to have a "baby sitter" to tell him when he's had enough.
I never observed what Gary spoke of in regard to time, or heard it mentioned, the only thing I observed is a musician nodding and unable to make the gig.
Musicians who made enough money to pay for their habit and make gigs were able to get by without much attention.
I never observed any benefit whatsoever drugs had to the musician who used drugs.